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Linux Sandbox

The following instructions are for setting up the code on a developer sandbox (“dev sandbox” or just “sandbox”).

For dev sandboxes you should be able to use workstations or laptops that have:

  • Modern i5 or i7 class CPUs (circa 2021 or later)
  • 32GB RAM
  • Any modern Linux Distro (or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) on Windows 11)
  • Amazon Correto Java 21 or above JDK and Maven 3.9+.

For Linux or MacOS use pkgx and eget to install dependencies. For opinionated “batteries included” guidance see Strategy Coach Workspaces Host and then:

Terminal window
$ pkgx install
$ eget lovasoa/SQLpage --to=$HOME/.local/bin/sqlpage

This project uses Java 21+ and we prefer to use AWS Correto JVM because we will deploy our Java services in AWS Lambda Serverless environments as well as in any environments that support containers. If you’re using Strategy Coach Workspaces Host opinionated developer experience sandbox you can use the following to setup Java:

Terminal window
$ setup-java-amazon-corretto # see

Setup the repository locally

If you’re using Strategy Coach Workspaces opinionated developer repositories setup scripts you can use ws-ensure.ts or “manually” clone the repo:

Terminal window
$ git clone
$ cd 1115-hub/src/service/fhir-server-prime
$ mvn clean install # download all dependencies
$ mvn wrapper:wrapper # for integrating into IDEs and other CLI work (creates `.mvn` in project root)

Review src/main/resources/ to configure the project.

  • shinnyDataLakeApiImpGuideProfileUri property specifies the URI of the FHIR Implementation Guide profile.
  • shinnyDataLakeApiUri property specifies the URI of the SHIN-NY Data Lake FHIR Submission endpoint.

Run the code locally

Terminal window
$ mvn spring-boot:run"--server.port=8080"