

This page provides information regarding project Fusion.


Project Fusion, formerlay known as Shared Infrastructure Services, is one of the core objectives of Technology by Design. The goal is to collaborate at a state level in effort to share services across QEs to gain efficiency in medical record interoperability.

QE Resources

Tech by Design has provided multiple resources for QEs to reference during the implementation of the Fusion Product. Please see below to access these resources.

QE Feedback

Fusion Discussion Forum Tech by Design will leverage GitHub Discussions to gather comments from the QEs on various topics. Discussions will be posted and sent out to the Implementation Planning team for input from them as well as any SMEs in their organization. Topics Include:

  • Fusion Decisions made by Tech by Design
  • InterSystems Use Case Documentation

To request access to the Tech by Design Fusion Planning Discussions Forum, users must complete the Access Request Form: https://techbd.org/submit-form/access-request/

  • Users must have a GitHub ID (if the user doesn’t have one, they can create one via the link in the access form)
  • Users should select: “Project Fusion (Shared Infrastructure) planning repository”
  • Tech by Design will review the request and provide access to the requesting user

QEs will be notified by email when the topics are posted to the discussion board and, in general, QEs will have 2 weeks from the date of the email to add comments to the discussions before they are closed.

This process is defined further in the QE Advisory Forum post.

Project Management

QE Deliverables QEs can reference this Asana project to access guidance on the deliverables that have been requested of them. Each deliverable task includes the request, mechanism for delivery, and purpose of the request. If a QE user has questions, they can add a comment to the deliverable task.

This project includes both deliverables requested of all implementing QEs as well as deliverables requested of specific QEs, and notes the QEs responsible for providing the documents.

To request access to the project, QEs should email karina.boozer@techbd.org and will receive an email from Asana asking them to create an account. The user account will have guest access to the project and will be able to comment on tasks.

InterSystems Use Cases/Discovery Sessions For insight into the Use Cases identified by InterSystems that need definition to support the Fusion Project Requirements, QEs can reference this project in Asana:

Each Use Case is numbered and its status is provided. If the use case has been discussed, the “Discovery” column will indicated “Done” and the Discovery Session in which it was covered will be noted in the task itself. The Discovery Sessions are documented in this task: https://app.asana.com/0/1208682980907622/1208682980907630/f

Implementation Planning Meeting Materials QEs can find materials from the Implementation Planning meeting (presentation slides, notes, etc. here: QE Documents If a QE user needs access, please email: access-request@techbd.org


Access All Fusion requirements, which were gathered, discussed, and approved by the QEs prior to sending them out to prospective vendors via the RFP process, have been added into the Fusion Planning repository in GitHub. They can be accessed here: https://github.com/orgs/tech-by-design/projects/15

If users have issues accessing, please use the access request form: https://techbd.org/submit-form/access-request/


Users from the QEs are encouraged to complete training and course work on the InterSystems Online Learning website. Recommendations of courses which should be completed will be updated periodically and posted on the Technology by Design website as Articles. As new ones are added, they will be linked on this page for ease of access.